Coton are temperamentally very kind plus friendly doggies. Are very teachable, playful plus faithful his mister. If shelter Cotona in arms, is that a very pleasant sensation, because has supersubtle plus on touch pleasant hair that the lazy. Their round bud arrange this doggies expression cherubs, even if know how to be sometimes nice imps. We have in doggy Harry plus bitch Cilku, Adélku, Carmen, Ofi a Nessie. Our priority is breeding of healthy lovely cotons. We care about our puppies in their new homes and advising to new owners with their education and care.
      To interested person about ours puppies be done photo to are knew what all from us carry not only with new puppies which will be not only joy to the your home and life but also beautiful care. That is why we're arbitrated as though ours puppies this way to the start of ensure :- )